NUTTY  Fiery  Lucifer  -  "Nutella"

* 20.12.1997 - † 13.12.2004



Oliver Fleret Friendly Finnigan of Briddy's Home Diver's Diamond of Briddy's Home
Dame Audrey of the Whiskered Gentry
Anny z Lomnice Thor
Duffy-Charming Girl vom Lärchenbruch
Lady Luck Fiery Lucifer Mansergh Totine Foxwyn Lucky Shot
Mansergh Toggle
Hussy of the Half House Handsome Hoagy of Briddy's Home
Tinkerbell of the Half House


  • Interchampion / C.I.B. / Mezinárodní šampion krásy
  • Czech Champion / Český šampion
  • Polish Champion / Polský šampion
  • Hunting tests / zkoušky: ZN 78b., BZ I.c


"A", "B", "C", "F", "G" litters in kennel Kuburumba
v Kuburumba odchovala vrhy "A", "B", "C", "F", "G"